How long is this national stadium business going to lumber on for?
A multi-sport stadium as a symbol of "a shared future" is a complete joke. Are GAA/rugby/football supporters going to march arm-to-arm to every event at The Maze?
There's no point giving the impression that we all get on by building a stadium for three sporting codes that will never cross over at all.
In the meantime, segregated housing, "peace" walls, institutionalised sectarianism in the middle-classes, and downright racism all run riot in this "new" Northern Ireland.
The minister(s) responsible for dragging this on should concentrate on building a shared present rather than this community relations sham of a stadium. Witness the DUP wetting themselves over the Maze being a terrorist "shrine" as an example of our new government's inability to tackle the main issue that needs resolved in NI - actually living with each other.
Listen Poots et al give each sport some cash to improve their respective stadiums if they want (Windsor Park is an embarassment), and stop patronising us please.
Yeah, I suppose they want to make things look "normal", and make people forget about the skeleton in the cupboard. With the closure of "Operation Banner" tonight, the ending of the military support for the police force in Belfast and Derry, people are talking about "normalization" and "progress". They forget that groups like the Real IRA and wackos like Johnny Adair are running free. History repeats itself, and noone can know for sure that violence won't erupt again.
Sounds like a good essay is in there somewhere! haha
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