The ipod, which has never been more than a few metres from my person since I first got it, has packed in...
It's a gadget that's enabled me to listen to my huge range of CDs with the click of a wheel. Forget downloading - just being able to hear so much of my own music conveniently is just brilliant.
I would liken it to when people moved from manually changing channels on their TVs to using a remote control instead.
Apple are sending me out special packaging for me to return it to them. Thankfully it's under warranty.
Don't be too long!!
1 comment:
I hate when that happens. I'm used to bringing my music with me wherever I go, and the few times when I forgot my mp3 player or when it broke down it felt like a tragedy. But it's not all bad. Sometimes I'm so busy listening to music that I forget to listen to God. Sometimes the battery running out is his way of getting my attention.
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