I endured an unpleasant couple of hours at White Hart lane in North London Saturday as Spurs bottled it against our rivals Arsenal yet again - going down 3-1 despite having been in front.
It's hard to put into words how much I don't like that lot. But I'm starting to come around to the fact that they're not a bad team. What is so galling is that they're playing the sort of football Tottenham have traditionally been renowed for. It's frustrating that a team who built a tradition around dour route-one football now regularly dish us out a lesson on how to play the game.
Quite frankly the two teams were a class apart. I was in the second row behind the goal posts at the park lane end and so was privileged (?) to see the three Arsenal goals all too closely.
I usually go to White Hart Lane once a season and to be honest I've enjoyed less and less the last few visits. I know that I'm purely viewed by the club as a customer - but the greed in this league is unbelievable. Transfer fees may be too high but what about the wages? Club directors and investors hang around clubs like vultures ready to cash in and make money on disgustingly over-inflated ticket prices and replica shirts. Yet we as fans fuel it by giving them our money.
Arsenal's Emirates Stadium is the best example of this - a debt-laden soulless corporate cavern of an arena. Supporters are crammed into another atmosphere-less library with huge chunks of the ground allocated to corporate customers that lie empty for much of the game due to hospitality being quaffed in the swanky lounges. Don't get me wrong the Spurs board or any other board would love this as well.
Back to the football - which the premier league's power that be seem to have forgotten about - Spurs' season can only get better. Martin Jol I fear is soon to be shown the door though.
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