Friday 20 July 2007

Transformers - I'm sucked in!

I'm giving in to the marketing men here - I'll be seeing Transformers this weekend and I don't care!

Yes I fit the film's other target demographic besides primary school kids, of a nostalgic twentysomething seeking to relive his youth. So I've downloaded the wallpaper to my desktop in work, ordered the computer game with free t-shirt, and booked my tickets to the preview showings on Saturday night.

The toys, comic strip and original cartoons were a massive part of my life. Optimus Prime was probably a role model in my childhood without me ever realising it.

My dad took me to see the original animated Transformers: the Movie at the Curzon one afternoon when I was about six. I'll be returning the favour by taking big Eddie to see this one.

I bow to corporate marketing this time, it's too hard to be cynical - after all Megatron must be stopped!

Expect a few more blogs on this one.

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