Have you seen the state of this guy? Unbelievable.
I wasted 30 minutes of my life watching his church broadcast on God TV and it took my breath away.
Random quotes from the Bible, endless anecdotes of how God has moved traffic for him to get to important meetings, how friends have mysteriously got jobs they weren't qualified to do, neighbours were able to get higher than expected offers on their houses, people getting moved to the front of the checkout queue supermarkets - all because they had "God's favour resting on them." Ridiculous!!
Never have I seen such a sermon that cross-referenced Jesus with economic prosperity as much as I have in this programme.
Oh, not to forget the delivery - think Forrest Gump only with even more inane platitudes.
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Osteen is awful Jonny...totally agree with your sentiments. How frightening is it that people who view this stuff could actually think that this is all there is to Christian belief?
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